Out in Dockentail Woods again. I love how all the trees in these local woods bend towards the light. The wood is situated on a slope facing southwest where the sun swings around during the day. A great example of positive phototropism. It looks like some mad wind storm blew in at some point and shoved all the trees over. The woods have a magical feel to them. I don’t think they would look out of place in some J. R. R. Tolkien imagined land somewhere in Middle Earth.
Here are some images from a photo shoot I did there recently with these two young lads. It was one of those days when the sun was out, then it was cloudy, then the sun was out, then it was cloudy, then the…etc. Managed to get some great shots with them when the cloud offered a bit of defuse light. They were both completely comfortable in front of the camera also, which made my job all the more easy.
A great place, two smashing lads, a good photo shoot.
All Images are copyright:
© Mike Barrett Photography – All Rights Reserved
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